Yesterday was my first official day back to work after having my ever-so-squishy son Saxon, and my o my was my baby brain in full flow, I'd completely forgotten all of my business passwords, all needed resetting, no updates had been done on my software for a good six months and all of my flash batteries had been used to ensure the never ending beautiful chorus that is noisy plastic toys could continue.
So once I'd got over all of those hurdles I was more than happy to evacuate Chateau De Broome and head over to Hartland to meet the lovely Shelley from Cheristow Lavender Tearooms to discuss my imminent Lavender Mini Sessions.

I think she may have undiscovered psychic powers because she feed me the most delicious Lavender topped Victoria Sponge with a very well timed cup of tea, two of my all time favourite things.
The relaxing smell of lavender and simply stunning vista from her tearooms was an unexpected job perk...cake and tea these days is usually drunk cold and scavenged left overs from the plates of my two toddlers, that's if the two spaniels don't get there first!
The sun was shining and the flowers were simply awash with bee's and butterflies, all my fingers and toes are crossed that the sun shines on the garden in the next couple of weeks so that the lavender looks as stunning as it did two years ago when I photographed my two little pickles in it.

Its so hard to believe this was taken two years ago! He's changed so much, I know everyone says it, but it really does whizz by doesn't it?
Even his hair is a different colour now, and these were the days when he actually allowed me to cut it without a bag full of bribes!

And this cheeky little monkey, well this hap hazard hair do was all I could wrestle in in the two minutes she'd sit still for! Those 'lets cause trouble' eyes she was casting at her brother in this photo still exist though - bringing so much more mayhem nowadays than they did then!
So needless to say I am very much looking forward to photographing Devon's little munchkins in this years Lavender, and who knows, I might just sneak my brood down for a few photo updates while I'm there, I already regret that I didn't do it last year - I think there's only a year or so left of Seb being amicable to being stood in a field of flowers and smiling sweetly - who knows, we may already be past it, fingers crossed though!

Watch my Facebook Page or email me for details of how to book your little one on to my Lavender Mini Sessions.